The second stop on our trip was Key West. Lordy, how I wish I could live there! My idea was to stay and just let the ship pick me up on the way back, but I was the only one who thought that was a good idea . . .

Two minutes off the ship and G-ma picks up a sailor! A captain even!!! Looks like he really has eyes for her! I guess what goes on in Key West stays in Key West. . . oops -- sorry Ma!

We took a conch train tour of the houses and high spots on the island. This little sign caught my eye. . .

B.O.'s -- definately a reason to go back -- we missed this one and I hear it's great!

Inside at Sloppy's . . .

Drinkin' Sloppy 'Rita's at Sloppy Joe's!! Cheers!
Next up -- inside the ship and Cozumel!